“Know the truth, and the truth will set you free” – John 8:32

Injeel is a Christian based Organisation with a mission to help all Christians of all denominations to underastand the difference between GOD and Jesus Christ of the BIBLE and ALLAH and ISA of the QURAN.Athough ALLAH is found in the Arabic Bible but the detail of ALLAH of the Arabic Bible is very different from the ALLAH found in the QURAN.

For a very longtime,we Christians have been confused mostly by muslims that we all believe in the same God and that ISA is the Jesus Christ of the BIBLE yet Jesus Christ of the Bible in the ARABIC BIBLE is called YASUA, with a totally very different background. The differences include all the Prophets found in the QURAN although they have the same names as those found in the Bible.

They are these differences that Injeel, through this book,”ALLAH OF THE QURAN IS NOT THE GOD OF THE BIBLE AND JESUS CHRIST IS NOT THE PROPHET ISA OF ISLAM”,we are highlighting so that we can have peace amongst ourselves for we shall not accuse each other of worshiping the same God badly.

Please if you have any comment to make about our work or any contribution including a request of this book,please contact us on our email evangelism@injeelministries.org